Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Update on Me

It's been some time so I thought I would post an update on my situation at the moment... I'm currently 33 weeks and 2 days and looking like this....

Yep, rather large right? I'm carrying about 9lbs of baby here as at my last scan they said they weighed approximately 4.3 & 4.5lbs each which are really good weights. And still so much growing to do!! Eeek!

All in all though I've been pretty blessed and other than some rather sleepless nights (why do i now wake up every time I turn over?) and a general feeling of uncomfortableness (if that is a word) I've been doing pretty good physically.

Jono is really starting to get excited, he can actually see them rolling around from the outside and wants to feel them all the time. I think it's becoming really real for him as he often mentions how soon they'll be here and talks about being a dad which I love, it feels like he's much more a part of it now.

I'm in two minds, part of me feels like this...

...excited, blessed, like I can't wait to meet them, find out what they are, to hold and kiss them ...

The other part of me feels a bit more like this... I know I have to go through a whole lot of stuff that I have no idea about before they're here.

I just keep thinking, millions of women have done this before me, and multiple times! my body is made for this I can do it!!

...Sometimes it even works!

Sale xx

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