Friday, January 21, 2011

Holiday Re-Cap Pt 2

I have to mention these holidays have been filled with rain, rain and more rain resulting in widespread flooding throughout our state and country. Much tragedy, homes and lives lost. It's hard to believe all that has happened and all it's going to take for homes and families to get back to normal. But it's in these times I'm so proud to be an Aussie! Everyone has pitched in and helped and continue to help those affected. I love my country!

Aahmm, I'll wipe my tears and get off my soap box and continue with our re-cap now...the following weeks we spent going back and forth between our families. One hot afternoon we decided to jump in one of the dams on Jono's family farm. Nothing is ever done by halves there and as you can see what started as a humble waterslide ended up with bodies being swung and thrown from an excavator meters above the dam!! Pretty crazy. Needless to say I passed!!

Posing with my ride...Oh, and did I mention it was really muddy?

We also went on holidays to the Sunshine Coast with my family We all squeeze into 3 apartments (that's 15 adults and 5 kids, my oldest brother couldn't make it or we would have made 17 adults and 13 kids) and have a ball! We going swimming and walking on the beach by day, and we do puzzles and play cheat and warlords and scumbags by night. It's full of laziness, movies, sun-tanning and chatting and I love it! Some people find it hard to believe that wouldn't be boring, but after the business of Christmas and the year in general it's just perfect!

Unfortunately we did have to leave and although we were delayed by a week due to flooding we finally came home. It was sad to go but we were both pleasantly surprised at how we were looking forward to coming back and being just the 2 of us again. It was really nice.

I think slowly this is becoming home...

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